to the artists, designers and craftspeople who think I call their work kitsch... this is NOT the case, it refers to my own work

Feb 16, 2011

Truc Troc continued

Monochrome (or almost) in different varieties

detail of ...

Didier Bourtembourg - dé-chaussée

left - Didier Bourtembourg - Cols blancs
right - Sara Favriau

Paola Ahn - Gratte-ciel -

Steve Dehoux - building tree

Steve Dehoux - falling tree

this painting got some mysterious notes

Sarah Júdice de Menezes

Sébastien Delvaux - Cameleon Box 1  2  3

Nathalie Canivet - Refuge2

Bers Grandsinge - The Human Brain
last post on this event tomorrow

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