DENMARK - V.9.72 - 1972
DENMARK - Data - 1975
Denmark - Fake Library - 1981-1983
DENMARK - the best magazines of art to be collected - 1989
DENMARK - Attrape-Mouches - 2000-2004
DENMARK - Absolut Library - 2010
DENMARK - Parrots - 2006-2012
DENMARK - Horizontaal versneden veilingcatalogi hedendaagse kunst - 2010-2012
DENMARK - Artforum - 2010-2011
I do love his work. First saw it many years ago in Antwerp at a time I didn't make pictures so I don't have anything to show from back then. Such a pity, it was a great soloshow.
Now we just got the last day of his show at Museum M in Leuven, Belgium... only six works exhibited here.
It inspired me, so off I went to buy a sharp scalpel... dissecting old magazines... wondering what will 'pop out'.
DENMARK (click to enter artist's site)
Museum M - Leuven, Belgium