to the artists, designers and craftspeople who think I call their work kitsch... this is NOT the case, it refers to my own work

Jul 7, 2008

fascinating sculptures - Fred Martin

The exchange
"Two sculptures made with raw clay
Two faces truncated
Just remain their mouth and their nose
A face to face of giants
In which the visitor can become witness, peeping tom and why not entremetteur
A transfer occurs, a question arises:
What will these two entities give birth to?"

The indoor exhibition at the Couleur Café music festival with fascinating works. I especially liked this set up, the back sides were simply loose straw and a few wooden boards. I would have loved to see the artist at work.

update : Fred Martin has added a funny video showing the de-construction of the sculptures

in the background of the first picture a work from Mo Ramakers : Blauwhelmen II (Blue Berets)



Bonjour Hilda et merci pour votre commentaire.
Pour info, je viens de rajouter une vidéo du démontage des sculptures sur mon blog.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer.

hildA said...

merci Fred pour l'information, je l'ai ajoutée.
une video amusante à voir. Les sculptures ne me lâchent pas.