to the artists, designers and craftspeople who think I call their work kitsch... this is NOT the case, it refers to my own work

Jan 28, 2008

found art at the beach

In need of oxygen, we spent the afternoon at the beach yesterday. The idea was that we would make a long walk to get some exercise after this hibernation. But something changed our plans. There were just too many bits of driftwood everywhere, so I continuously stopped to pick up pieces and get on my knees to make pictures. All this time, my poor husband Wim would patiently and silently wait and endure the wondering looks of people walking by. And packed like donkeys (5 bags full) we dragged ourselves back to the car. We merely did 2 KM but we did spent a few hours there.

doesn't this look like a fish? Wim thought it looked like a dog.
I found a perfect base for it, will do that this week.

you can't really tell here, but some of this driftwood was partially burned and now it has this very nice glow like dark copper.

we could not take everything that was lying there, the bags were getting too heavy to continue our walk, so we decided to play around a bit.

will post more pictures on flickr


PLUMe said...

nature as an artiste.

hildA said...

exactly, we just need to look around to find it

Anonymous said...

This suites my fancy, and to me it looks like a fish.

hildA said...

I wish I lived closer to the sea, I would do this everyday